Discuss some real world problems, to which the techniques given below are applicable > Dynamic programming

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Discuss some real world problems, to which the techniques given below are applicable
(i) Divide & Conquer
(ii) Dynamic Programming
(iii) Greedy Approach

Dynamic programming used to avoid repetitive work. That can be achieve by remembering partial results.

Real World Problem : Min-Num-Coins

(Gives the minimum number of coins for Given Amount)

In Automated shop, someone purchased goods of Rs. 389, After billing Machine start showing few combination of change to achieve the Amount 389. Customer will select a combination and give the money. Similar If customer paid 500 to pay 389 then Shopkeeper will also calculate the change with minimum coins.

Aircraft stand assignment to minimize walking

Gate scheduling is concerned with assigning flights to terminal or ramp positions, called gates. It is a key activity in airport operations. With the increase of civil air-traffic and the corresponding growth of airports in the past decades, the complexity of the task has increased significantly. At large international airports, several hundreds of flights must be handled per day.


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